You can't always get what you want. Unless that thing is getting everyone to hate you; that's extraordinarily easy.
Hello! I'm Blue-Maned_Hawk, and this is my website.
I'm an amateur programmer, a mediocre amateur writer, and also i've done some other stuff. The things i've made are listed down below.
I generally try to use thoughtful rationality and logical reasoning to solve the problems i run into, although i don't always succeed. Some people have told me that i tend to be analytical. When doing things, i try to think about what's best for everybody in the long term.
Be warned that i sometimes can't be trusted, though i try to make sure this only happens when it really needs to. I've done some terrible things, so you may not want to associate with me—or maybe that will make you want to associate with me more. I dunno. Maybe you're weird.
I'm not happy that this site is hosted by means of GitHub Pages—i plan to switch away from it Soon. When i do, i'll try to remember to set these pages on this site up as redirects to the corresponding pages on the new site.
I'm generally pretty active around the internet; you can find information about who i am where here. The license for most of the content of this site is here.
The world can be a horrible place sometimes. But don't let that depress you. Let it make you angry. Then, channel that anger into action, and use your actions to change the world to be better. The future can be better than the present.
But do not forget the present when looking to the future. If you do so, you won't notice when the future becomes the present and you get the things you wanted. So take a look at the world around you and appreciate it for all the wonderful and beautiful and funny and sublime and weird things that it has, and take joy it in. It's not contradictory to be happy with the world you have and still want the world to be better.
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